321+ Best Short Sad Status Quotes for Facebook, Whatsapp
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Now you Feelings Sad and Looking for WhatsApp sad Status or fb sad status? Yeah.. you are the right place. Here We’re sharing unique Sadness Status, Sad Whatsapp Status to Feeling Very sad or Feelings for Him/Her with these Status/quotes to share on FB Whatsapp in English.
When we loved so much then It’s really hard to forget him/her. Forgetting someone is unbearable pain but unfortunately, it’s life and we have to go through that unbearable sadness. Facebook, WhatsApp is one of the best media to express your feeling whether you are happy or sad So, we are with the Sad Whatsapp Status collections for you so that you can explain your pain.
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Note: All whatsapp and facebook quotes and collected from public domain. So you don’t need to give us credit. You can also add own style emo, symbol and stylish character etc to make more attractive with these Quotes status to share on social media.
Feeling Sadness Quotes for WhatsApp Facebook
You Hurt Me But I Still Love You.
My Silence Is Just Another Word For Pain.
I’M That Person Everyone Replaces After A While. ( Sad facebook Status )
I Wish I Could Ignore You Like You Ignore Me.
Behind My Smile Is Everything You’Ll Never Understand. ( Sad Quotes )
I Stay Home Alone, Listen To Music And Think Too Much.
Every Time I Trust Somebody, They Show Me Why I Shouldn’T.
I Say I Don’T Care Anymore, But Truth Is I Care Too Much.
The Root Of Disappointment Comes From Holding Expectation. ( Sad Whatsapp Status )
I Hope You’Ll Realize How Much You’Re Hurting Me Some Day.
No Matter How Far You Are, You Are Always In My Thoughts.
Smiling Has Always Been Easier Than Explaining Why You’Re Sad.
Love Sometimes Comes Like A Dream And Leaves Likes A Nightmare. ( Sad Quotes for Whatsapp )
I Wish My Brain Had A Map To Tell Me Where My Heart Should Go.
Sometimes It Takes Losing Something Realize To What You’Ve Had.
It’S Not That I Wanna Have It, It’S Just That I Wanna Deserve It. ( Sad Whatsapp Status )
You Know That Nothing Will Change, But For Some Reason You Still Wait.
I Feel Like I’ Waiting For Something That Isn’T Going To Happen.
Love The Hearts That Hurts You, But Never Hurt The Heart That Loves You.
Sick Of Crying, Tired Of Trying, Yes I’M Smiling But Inside I’M Dying.
Nobody Deserves Your Tears, But Whoever Deserves Them Will Not Make You Cry.( Sad Quotes )
You May Not Be Pushing Me Away But You’Re Not Fighting To Keep Me Either.
The Word Happiness Would Lose Its Meaning If It Were Not Balanced By Sadness.
Worst Kind Of Pain Is When You’Re Smiling Just To Stop The Tears From Falling.
I Feel Like A Balloon…Looking Bright & Cheerful, But Empty And Lonely Inside.
At Least, Tell A Lie That You Love Me, I Will Live The Rest Of My Life With That.
It’S Never The Tears That Measure The Pain, Sometimes Its Take Smile We Fake.( Sad Status for Whatsapp fb)
You Touched My Heart With A Thousand Pleasures And Broke It In To Million Pieces.
I Keep Myself Busy With Things I Do But Every time I Pause, I Still Think Of You.
The Worst Kind Of Pain Is When You’Re Smiling Just To Stop The Tears From Falling.
Isn’T It Sad When You Get Hurt So Much, You Can Finally Say ” I’M Used To It “.
People Cry, Not Because They’Re Weak. Its Because They’ve Been Strong For Too Long.
When I Cry About One Thing, I End Up Crying About Everything That’S Messed Up My Life. ( Sad Whatsapp Status )
It’S Sad When You Realize You Aren’T As Important To Someone As You Thought You Are.
When You Truly Love Someone You Given Everything You Can And Never Expect A Return.
Even If We Can’T Be Together In The End, I Am Still Glad You Were A Part Of My Life.
Nothing Hurts More Than Realizing He Meant Everything To You & You Meant Nothing To Him.
Everything is Complicated, Even Those Things That Seem Flat In Their Bleakness Or Sadness.
People Leave Because It’S Easier To Walk Away Than To Fight For What They Really Want.
Yeah She’S Smiling But Don’T Let That Fool You. Look Into Her Eyes. Shes Breaking Inside. ( Sad Quotes )
Moving On . Sound Easy. But I Died Thousand Times In Pain Just To Appreciate This Phrase.
Everything’S Complicated, Even Those Things That Seem Flat In Their Bleakness Or Sadness.
Words But Deeper Than Knives. A Knife Can Be Pulled Out, Words Are Embedded Into Out Soul.
Sad status quotes ideas: I’m not perfect.
i make mistakes,
i hurt people… -
People Change For Two Reason : They Have Learned A Lot Or They Have Been Hurt Too Many Times.
Everyone Want Happiness, Nobody Wants Pain, But You Can’T Make A Rainbow Without A Little Rain.( Sad fb Status )
There Are So Many Things That Make You Happy. Don’T Focus Too Much On Things That Make You Sad.
The Saddest People I’Ve Ever Met In Life Are The Ones Who Don’T Care Deeply About Anything At All.
I Think I’M Afraid To Be Happy Because Whenever I Do Get Too Happy, Something Bad Always Happens.
Crying Is The Only Way Your Eyes Speak When Your Mouth Can’T Explain How Things Made Your Heart Break.
A Breakup Is Like A Broken Mirror. Its Better To Leave It Than Hurt Yourself Trying To Pick Up The Pieces.
Apologizing Doesn’T Always Mean You’Re Wrong & The Other Person Is Right. It Means You Value Your Relationship More Than You Ego.
You’Re The First Person Who Broke My Heart. For The Rest Of My Life, You Will Always Be The On Who Hurt Me The Most. Don’T Forget That.
Expression Of Eyes ? Can Be Read ? By Everyone…But Depression Of Heart Can Be Read ? Only By Best One…Care For Everyone But Don’T Lose The Best One.
The Pain Is Not On The Day Of Missing Our Dear Ones. The Pain Is Really When You Love Without Them & With Their Presence In Your Mind. ( Sad Quotes )
Have You Ever Noticed That The More Special You Treat Someone, The More That Someone Takes You For Granted ? As If You Won’T Ever Change.
A Sad Whatsapp Status for fb

See also:
Best Sadness Status For WhatsApp
We have extensive collections of WhatsApp Status, quotes and Messages and here we try to give you the latest content related to WhatsApp, facebook with the hope that you will like to read and you will share with your family, friends and relatives on your social media.

- When the pain no longer fits in the chest it overflows through the eyes.
- There are days when there are no emotions, no thoughts: only pain!
- My soul is sick, I feel in a coma, eat induced by the deep sadness that I feel.
- The saddest hours of life are those in which we doubt ourselves.
- Have I ever had imaginary friends? No, I had friends that I imagined to be true.
- I prefer to suffer for abstinence than to suffer for a love that never existed.
- He who greatly trusts is greatly disappointed.
- One day weary of hiding our sad side.
- That moment you need help, but suffer alone, so as not to bother anyone.
- The busy bee does not have time for sorrow.
- Sad time! It is easier to disintegrate an atom than a prejudice.
- I’m sad of an absurd sadness. Very sad. I can hardly bear it, but it does.
- If my eyes showed my soul, everyone, when they saw me smiling, would cry with me.
- To be sad is natural, but to bear heartache is the worst of misfortunes!
- The problem is not the scars. The problem is to look at them and remember who left them.
Sad Status About Life
Hopefully these Sad Status and depressing quotes on about love and life will help you think and cheer when you need it. There are always people in your life who will be there for you, sometimes all you have to do is communicate!
- “I forgive a lot, but I never forget what’s said and done”
“Sometimes, you gotta pretend everything is okay”
“I get lost inside my mind”
“At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life”
Tears is a sign of strength, that no matter how difficult and how painful everything is, after crying you still manage to stand up and hold on.
“People cry, not because they’re weak. It’s because they’ve been strong for too long “
“Dear Past, stop tapping me on the shoulders, I don’t wanna look back”
“No amount of sleep in the world could cure the tiredness I feel”
“The only thing standing between me and total happiness is reality”
“You’re scared to tell people how much it hurts, so you keep it all to yourself”
“Some of the most painful scars: the ones that hurt the most are the scars that can’t be seen”

- “It’s getting harder to hide pain”
“Instead of wiping your tears, wipe away the people who create them”
“Everytime people ask me if I’m okay, it’s just a reminder that I’m not”
“I need a break from the loneliness that is totally consuming me”
“I hate getting flashbacks from things that I don’t want to remember”
“Why does it always rain on me?”
” Monsters don’t sleep under your bed, they scream inside of your head”
“I think I’m afraid to be happy because whenever I get too happy, something bad always happens”
“I’m busy saving everybody else when I can’t even save myself”
“I just wanna feel okay again”
“Deep inside where nothing’s fine, I’ve lost my mind”
“No one cares. They’re just pretending”

Best Quotes About Sadness for facebook
- Sad is you bet all your chips on someone who has not bet anything on you.
- The hardness of a moment of sadness conveys lessons to us for a lifetime!
- I woke up the way I came into the world: sad and without understanding anything.
- I do not want to forget you, but I do not want to remember the pain.
- From sadness to sadness, many end up making it their identity!
- If I could go back in time, I would not have even been born.
- BEING IGNORED, worst feeling ever.
- Sometimes I say it’s okay when I’m really very sad …!
- It’s incredible. The same thing that makes you happy can make you very sad.
- How did I go from being so happy to so sad?
- Everyone wants to be happy. No one wants to be sad and get pain.But you can’t make a rainbow without a little rain.
- I feel so far away from the one I wish to hold in my arms.
- Never allow a problem to take control of u coz once it does u become its slave. Always be a master and not a slave to ur problem.
- Isn’t it sad that you are hurt so much that finally, you can say “I’m used to it”
- The sad part isn’t that we never talk, it’s that we used to talk every day.
- Do u know y ppl fail in life? It is coz they never bothered to be patient enough to reach success and instead spend all that time lamenting abt their failure.
- 204 countries, 805 Islands, 7 seas, 7+ Billion people and I’m single!!!
- I feel so far away from the one I wish to hold in my arms.
- Life has kicked me where it hurts the most. But I want to win the game, I am not going to allow life to win it. The day I kick back life, is the day I win.
- Time doesn’t really Heal the heart.It just makes the heart forget all the pain.

Sad Status In English
Here are the sad WhatsApp statuses in English for you (Which Express How Much It Hurts). If you are hurt or sad, you can express your feeling by the sad fb status.
- I did everything right for someone that does everything wrong…!
- A relationship is only made for two….but some just forget how to count.
- The result I got for being kind is betrayal. 🙁
- Betrayal and loss are the best teachers in the world. I know this coz I was their student. 🙁
- The worst form of betrayal is when ur loved one cheats on u with ur best friend. 🙁
- All these days, I thought that u will be the reason for my smile. But I was dead wrong.
- She is the kind of girl who is always smiling and loves to laugh
- I do rather be alone all the time. It at least saves me all the hurt that I would keep getting constantly.

40+ Sad Whatsapp Status
Sad Status For WhatsApp and also you can use it as your sad status/post for facebook.
- Just bcoz I don’t get angry, it does not mean that u have to make me cry every time!
- The saddest thing is the world is knowing that you were not the reason for that special someone’s smile!
- Even if you are sad, just smile. Don’t let others gain happiness from ur sadness!
- Missing someone + No text from them = Worst feeling. I act like I don’t care, but deep inside, it hurts.
- Everyone is fighting their own battle, including me! So don’t judge people based on how they react at some point!
- If someone let u go just coz of minor things, then so be it! U deserve more than what they could give u!
- The pain is there to remind me that I’m still alive.
- People cry not because they are weak, It’s because they’ve been strong for too long.
- We have lived together for eighteen years till date. Eight years with her by my side and another ten with her in heaven. 🙁
- The saddest thing in this universe is knowing that the person who u love does not love u and has chosen someone else.
- You just can’t please everybody.
- Love Is The Slowest Suicide, And You Can’t Stop It, Even Though It’s Killing You On The Inside, You Just Have To Live With All The Pain Until It’s Finally Over!!!!
- Sadness is when technology cuts u out from the real pleasures of life.
- Do u know what’s sad? It is when you have no one but ur pillow to lay ur head on when u cry.
- The worst feeling in the world is knowing that u have no one to support u. Not even family and friends. 🙁
- Betrayal is the worst thing that a person can experience. This is only known by someone who has experienced it.
- You don’t really know what you have until it’s gone..
- The worst thing is knowing that u r the reason for the tears of a loved one.
- I just want to fall asleep until I don’t miss you anymore.
- The worst kind of heartbreak a person can ever experience is wounding words from a loved one. So learn how to control ur tongue.
- It feels horrible knowing that u tried so many times and gave your best and yet still failed.
- “Love that gives us our pet is unique, I feel very sad because my dog died. In the house it!!!!
- The most depressing feeling in the world is knowing that u lost the battle. The battle of life!!
- Trust me, ur pain and tears won’t go in vain. U can trust me coz experience is always the best teacher right?
- 1 day you will see what you lost. 1 day I’ll see what I gained.
- BEING IGNORED, worst feeling ever.
- I have been kicked down by life several times. Yes, I have seen it all. But I am not giving up!
- Make the most beautiful Mistakes, mine is you.
- The worst part is not reaching your goal or destination after years of struggle and hard work.
- Silence is the most powerful SCREAM.
- The worst feeling is not talking to ur loved one for months together coz of a simple fight.
- Tears are prayers too. They travel to God when we can’t speak.
- This emptiness and distance are killing me. Please come back soon. 🙁
- I don’t have a lot of friends, I just know a lot of people.
- I am not happy without you in Life.
- U mean the world to me. I wish I had told that to her ten years earlier. 🙁
- Read About sad images for Whatsapp DP
- It hurts when the person who u think really understands u does not.
- Never choose money over passion. Trust me, u will never be happy. Regards- I am going thru it 🙁
- Being backstabbed by ur own friends is the worst thing ever.

Best Whatsapp Sad Status Collection
⊱✿ ✦✧✶ WhatsApp Sad Status For Girlfriend and Boyfriend✶✧✦ ✿⊰
- Dear heart, please stop getting involved in Everything.Your job is just to pump blood, So stick to it.
- People say that I have a beautiful smile. I guess it is true. Coz a smile that has gone thru the toughest of times is the most beautiful.
- The worst feeling is pretending as if you don’t care at all When in reality that’s all you can think of.
- My silence is just another word for pain!
- One Of The Hardest Things To Do.Is To Delete Old Messages Which is sent by the GF.

▬▬▬ Sad Whatsapp Status For Broken Heart ▬▬▬
- A relationship is only made for two….but some just forget how to count.
- Sometimes life can be cruel to u. Or maybe always. Just don’t lose hope like I did! That’s the biggest mistake I ever made.
- Have you lost things in our life and worried abt it? Or afraid of losing things? Then just quit doing that and focus on what u can gain and what can be gained.
- Just see that no one lives sadly after visiting u even though u r. And I am glad that I am following it.
- If you give up on me, I’m going to give up on me too.

- Do u know what was the best painful thing that happened to me? U breaking my heart. Coz now I have someone who has patched my heart and will never break it.
- If it not happy ending then there is no ending…!
- People do not die from Suicide. They die due to sadness.
- I die every day, every second without you.
- Sad Patience, too near neighbor to despair.
- Sometimes you gotta smile and walk away hold your tears in and pretend you’re ok.
- We always thought we would look back on our tears and laugh, but we never thought would look back on our laughter and cry.
Very Sad Status
- Why do we always want what we can’t have?
- From outside I am Smiling But It does not mean I am Happy.
- I love music videos, I really do. I think it’s kind of sad that it’s a dying art form.
- You Will meet many people, but very few will you trust.
- Only a broken heart can understand another broken heart.
- There are days that make you feel like there is no happiness on the horizon.
- Can I see another’s woe, and not be in sorrow too? Can I see another’s grief, and not seek for kind relief?
- Nobody understands another’s sorrow, and nobody another’s joy.

Top Sad Status for WhatsApp
⊱✿ ✦✧✶ Emotional Whatsapp Status ✶✧✦ ✿⊰
- You are the controller of ur own happiness. Just don’t give that control to someone and lose it.
- The hardest thing to do is watch the one u love, love somebody else.
- The worst kind of relationship is the one that ends with tears instead of a smile.
- Did I change or did u just stop loving me?
It would be really great if we had a memory loss. Coz … people leave you easily, but the memories you created with them stay with you forever and it tears you upside down.
⊱✿ ✦✧✶ Broken Heart WhatsApp Status ✶✧✦ ✿⊰
- I’m lost without love.
- The only reason I know that I am alive is coz of the pain that I am feeling.
- I need some time alone with Myself.
- Every heart has a pain. Only the way of expressing it is different. Fools hide it in eyes, while the brilliant hide it in their smile.

Feeling Sad Status for WhatsApp in English
- I have too much going on in my mind that I keep forgetting the reason as to why I am upset.
- Hating people is like a burning down your house to kill a rat.
- The hardest feeling in the world is trying to forget someone who u loved with all ur heart and pretend being OK with their current relationship.
- Sometimes being in a relationship with ur four-legged friends is the best thing ever.
- I do rather choose my four-legged friends over my two-legged friends. At least they won’t betray or hurt me and will always be there for me when I need them.
- #No one will ever understand how much it hurts #
- I Feel I’m missing, something in my life these days.
- The greatest pain that comes from love, is loving someone who are not here.It’s sad to be happy alone in Life..
- He told me that I was his world and I meant everything to him. I guess that was only till he found a better world for himself.
- The worst mistake I have ever done in my life was giving up on the ones I love just to spend time with u. I know my mistake coz u gave up on me.
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We shared the status of Sad WhatsApp and the sadness status for WhatsApp. Quotes about sadness is also provided above. You can share Sad Love Quotes, WhatsApp sad and sad Status status for WhatsApp with someone you have made sad. We also shared the sad love status and the very sad status for sad love status and sad status in English. In short, we tried to share each WhatsApp Sad Status with you.
We hope that this sad status for Whatsapp will correlate with your feelings and emotions and help you overcome this pain. Please like our facebook page to get latest update.
Tags: broken heart dp for whatsapp, feelings status for facebook, Sad Whatsapp Quotes, Sad fb Status, sadness status, very sad post, whatsapp status sad for you.