Valentine’s Day 2022

Valentine’s Day is an event celebrated around the world to celebrate the love between lovers. It is also known as Valentine’s Day. It naturally celebrates the 45th day of the year, February 14th.
you can easily find out the details about the origin and the oldest celebration of Valentine’s Day at this link: HOW THE VALENTINE DAY STARTED

Celebration detail in 2022:

Feb 14 lovers day images
Feb 14 lovers day images
Valentine’s Day 2022 is on Thursday, (14/02/2022),

Details for Valentine’s Day:

Mainly on this day the western countries celebrated. But now it has spread to eastern countries. In the United States many parties and club celebrations are used in large numbers. Many trading companies take full advantage of this day as people use it to give various gifts to their lovers.
At this link you will find various gift ideas for valentines day: Best Valentine’s Day Gifts
But now Eastern countries like China and Japan are also celebrating Valentine’s Day in their own way. In these countries this day is celebrated in a different way. There are girls who gave gifts to their boyfriend (mostly chocolates),
There are two special chocolates called GIRI-choco and HONMEI-choco.
To learn more about Valentine’s Day in Eastern countries … go to this article: Valentine’s Day in Japan.
And as a gift for this boy’s return they also make many gifts to their beloved girlfriend on the day called White Day.

About the story of Valentine:

One believes that the first day of Valentine was incorporated in 496 AD. by Pope Gelasios. There are many victims called Valentine but none of them were associated with love. But in the 14th century there is a valentine associated with love. And the tradition of Valentine’s Day began with this particular Valentine.
others believe that Valentine’s Day began with a saint named Valentine in Rome, who disagreed with the rule of Emperor Claudius II. As a result, Valentin was ordered to be killed.
To learn more about the saint read this post: Saint Valentines.
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