Wallpapers Mahabharat Krishna Wallpapers free Download

Free Download Wallpapers Mahabharat Krishna
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The Great Mahabharata War between the Pantavas and the Kauravas took place in 3139 BC The Mahabharata was one of the two important factors that created the “Hindu” culture of India (Ramayana is pronounced as Raa-Meye-a-na and The Mahabharata).
The Pantaves, after winning the Mahabharat War, ruled Hastinapur for 36 years and 8 months until the beginning of Calyug in 3102 BC. From the Mahabharat War and the beginning of Kaliyug were important historical events. The Mahabharata is a powerful and amazing text that inspires awe and wonder. The Mahabharata presents sweeping visions of the world and humanity. It is an interesting and scary look of the deity in an ancient narrative that is fascinating, accessible and interesting for anyone who wants to learn the basics of Indian culture.
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