Cool Facebook Featured Photos for your Profile (FB Intro Images)
Facebook Featured Photos for Profile (FB Intro Images) 2020: Facebook displays the five most recently added photos at the top of your profile page, which many people call FB Profile featured photos or images. Facebook gives you only limited control to edit the photos displayed there. Hide photos from this important area to view the next photo online or upload individual photos to your profile to add a new photo to the top of the list.
There you can add 5 featured photos to your fb profile intro. But we suggest you, add only 1 Featured photo on your FB profile and we hope it will be looking too cool for you.
See also:

Facebook Featured Photos Collections
Here is some cool Facebook Featured Photos collection for your Profile. Just click/tap on images to download full HQ photo on your mobile/computer. And Whatsapp-DP will teach you how to change the photos at the top of your Facebook timeline, below your profile picture and cover image.

We will add more attractive photos on this post. Just Bookmark this page on your browser and visit later to get more latest featured photos for your facebook profile. Also you follow our facebook fan page for latest updates.
How to Add/Edit Featured Pictures on Facebook
You can select up to 5 featured photos to add to your profile to help people get to know you better. To add featured photos to your profile:
Go to your FB profile and click Add Featured Photos below your profile picture in the intro section.

If you’ve already added featured photos, hover over the section and click in the top right.

Now Choose up to 5 photos that you’d like to feature.

Here we shared the Stylish Facebook Featured Photos collection. Let me ask: how much did you like these photos? Please comment below and let us know your opinions and suggestions on the type of this you want in our next update!
We do not think you do not like our photos because we share the best for you and update them frequently so that you can get more recent images. Now finally, we mean … If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment below regarding FB Featured Photos for your profile.