CS:GO Ranking

In this article, from lowest to highest CS:GO rank orderwhat and Turkish meanings of CS:GO ranksWe will give it to you.

The rank system in CS:GO (Counter Strike: Global Offensive) was created to create a competitive game.

How is CS:GO Rank determined?

CS:GO Ranks;

  • Number of people you hit
  • Your assists
  • how many times have you died

determined by looking at values ​​such as K/D/A is Kill/Assist/Kill.

In short, if you hit more and die less, your score will increase.

First rank in CS:GO requires winning ten matches in competitive mode. (Competitive mode is limited to 2 matches per day.)

CS:GO Ranking

There are currently 18 ranks in CS:GO. CS:GO from lowest to highest rank order and CS:GO Turkish rank names is as follows;

  1. Silver I (Gümüş 1)
  2. Silver II (Silver 2)
  3. Silver III (Gümüş 3)
  4. Silver IV (Gümüş 4)
  5. Silver Elite (Premium Silver)
  6. Silver Elite Master (Master Elite Silver)
  7. Gold Nova I (Golden Nova 1)
  8. Gold Nova II (Golden Nova 2)
  9. Gold Nova III (Golden Nova 3)
  10. Gold Nova Master (Master Gold Nova)
  11. Master Guardian I (Master Guardian 1)
  12. Master Guardian II (Master Guardian 2)
  13. Master Guardian Elite (Elite Guardian)
  14. Distinguished Master Guardian (Elite Master Guard)
  15. Legendary Eagle
  16. Legendary Eagle Master
  17. Supreme Master First Class
  18. Global Elite (Worldly Elite)
CS:GO Ranking
CS:GO Ranking

CS:GO Rankings

CS:GO ranks determine which rank you are in.

Cs Go Silver rank

Silver 1 – Silver 2 – Silver 3 – Silver 4 – Silver Elite – Silver Elite Master

Cs Go Nova rank

Gold Nova 1 > Gold Nova 2 > Gold Nova 3 > Gold Nova Master

Cs Go Guardian rank

Master Guardian 1 > Master Guardian 2 > Master Guardian Elite > Distinguished Master Guardian

Cs Go Legendary Eagle rank

Legendary Eagle > Legendary Eagle Master > Supreme Master First Class > The Global Elite

Frequently asked questions about CS:GO ranks

How many ranks are there in CS:GO?

There are currently 18 ranks in CS:GO.

How to rank up in CS:GO?

If you hit more and die less in CS:GO, your score will increase and then your rank will increase.

How to get the first rank in CS:GO?

First rank in CS:GO requires winning ten matches in competitive mode. (Competitive mode is limited to 2 matches per day.)

Last Updated: September 27, 2021

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