How to Check a Site’s History? How to See the Old Version of the Website?

Last updated: November 22, 2020

Would you like to see what a website you love to follow looks like when it first opened? Looking at a site’s history, See the old version of the website and accessing old web pages You can use the Wayback Machine for

Using Wayback Machine, you can observe the changes all sites have gone through since the day they were first set up.

Wayback Machine nedir?

Wayback Machineis a digital time capsule developed by the nonprofit organization called Internet Archive. Working with content compiled from Alexa Internet, the system allows users to access archived versions of web pages.

The Wayback Machine is called the time machine of the Internet world.

The Internet Archive, which has been archiving the Internet since 1996, provides access to approximately 280 billion pages of billions of websites via the Wayback Machine.

How to get to the Wayback Machine?

Wayback Machine’e here Available at

Wayback Machine Thanks to you, you can access a document, article or something similar that is on a closed site and is necessary for you, thanks to the records of that period.

How to Check a Site’s History? How to See the Old Version of the Website?

  • Here Enter the site and enter the address of the site whose archive you want to see in the Address line.
How to Check a Site’s History? How to See the Old Version of the Website?
  • On the next page you will see a timeline with all the years with a snapshot of the website entered. You can also see a graph of how many snapshots of the website between two dates.
  • Select the year you want to view.
  • You will now see the calendar view for the selected year. You will notice that certain dates throughout the year are highlighted in a particular color.
How to Check a Site’s History? How to See the Old Version of the Website?

Here’s what they mean:

  • No color: The website has not been registered on this date.
  • Blue: The website has been successfully registered on this date.
  • Green: This indicates (3xx) redirection.

You will also notice that some circles are larger than others. This means that the website has multiple snapshots for a specific date.

Select the date / time you want to view by hovering your cursor over the date and selecting the snapshot from the drop-down menu.

You can now browse the archived version of the website, the old version.

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