How to Get Verified Account Confirmation on Instagram?

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Instagramappearing next to some accounts in mavi tik (check) Have you ever wondered about the icon?
Mavi tik (check) The icon is a verified account badge for important people and brands and has many benefits. This article is coveted next to your account name mavi tik (check) We’ll cover how and why you should get the icon.
Why Is Verified Account Confirmation Important on Instagram?
Instagram‘gives, verified account confirmation There are several important benefits to taking it:
- A great and positive The first impression leaves: Making a good first impression is a fundamental principle in branding. The first time someone encounters your profile, they realize that you are a real and notable person or a well-known brand without even knowing anything about you.
- Increases discoverability and brand awareness: Verified accounts, InstagramIt appears higher in searches and suggestions in.
- It gives confidence to other users: In an age where fake news is so common, it’s not always easy to know who to trust. Mavi tik (check) The icon tells your followers that you are a verified, authentic and trusted person. This is especially important when promoting a special offer or opportunity; because users may be skeptical of special offers from unverified accounts.
- It helps you avoid identity theft and impersonation: People can use fake accounts to spread false information or sabotage your reputation. Mavi tik (check) The icon helps you avoid this situation by helping people verify that you really are or not.
- Lets You Access Features Exclusive to Verified Accounts: Instagram often new features βeta before versions verified offers to accounts. Storiesto your (Stories) allowing you to add links Instagram the scrolling up feature in their stories only 000Accounts with more than one follower and 10.000even if he has fewer followers verified can be used by accounts.
Cool, right? So who can benefit from these advantages?
Instagram’da Verified Account Confirmation 6 Criteria for Getting
Instagramneeds to verify an account. 6-criteria are:
- Your account must comply with the “Terms of Use and Community Guidelines”: This is all Instagram Valid for accounts.
- Your account (information on it) must be real: Your account must represent a natural person or business.
- Your account must be unique: You cannot verify multiple accounts for the same person or business (unless there is language-specific similarity).
- Your account must be public: And you must also have a bio, profile photo, and at least one post (post).
- Your account for other social media sites “add me” should not contain the link (link). Your link (your link) should point to your official website or landing page.
- Your account must represent a notable (reputable) person or brand: Instagramwill examine your account to see (determine) whether you are well-known and will consider accounts from multiple news sources, unless there is paid or promotional (promotional) content.
Please do not forget: Instagram You cannot buy verification, and any service claiming that your account can be verified for a fee is a scam (fraudulent).
Do you think your account is suitable? Verified account confirmation ready? Here’s what you need to do!
Instagram’da Verified Account Confirmation How can you get it?
- Open your profile page and clickin the upper right corner of your screen. 3-dash (≡) iconTap what and in the popup menu list ‘Settings’ Select the option:
- Next ‘Account’ Tap.
- Later ‘Doğrulama İste (Request Verification)’ Tap.
- On the next screen, you will be asked to enter a few details:
- Name surname: This is your first and last name as it appears on your official ID.
- Known (Known) Name: This is your business or brand name. If you are a public person or the name of your business is your name, enter your name here.
- Category: Here you will be presented with a range of category options to choose from. Select the option that best describes the work you are doing, or if none is available ‘other (other)’ Select the option.
- Photo ID: In this section, include a picture of a government-issued photo ID. Several examples of valid identification documents will be listed on the page. Be sure to attach a clearly legible ID picture or an ID that you transferred from the scanner to the computer environment.
- After you fill in all fields and add your ID ‘Send’ Tap the button.
Instagram verificationcan take days or weeks. There is no way to speed up the process, so you’ll have to wait patiently! When a decision has been made to verify your account, you will receive a message in your notification feed.
If your verification request is denied, don’t be upset; 30 days you can try again in it.
How Many Times Can I Apply for Instagram Verification?
Over your (last) application 30 days After going through, you can reapply for account verification. There is no limit (limit) on the application for account verification.
If your verification application for your account is consistently rejected, it could be for one of the following common reasons:
Instagram’da, Verified Account Confirmation 5-General Reason for Not Receiving:
- Account, “Terms of Use and Community Guidelines”may be violating. Instagram‘in “Terms of Use and Community Guidelines”Carefully read and make sure your account follows these guidelines.
- The account may not represent the person or organization requesting verification. Your account must represent you or your business or brand. ‘Official’ fan accounts of celebrities, movies, or fictional characters are not considered within this scope.
- Account may not be public. Private (hidden) accounts cannot be verified.
- Account information may not be complete. Make sure you have a bio and profile picture and at least one news feed post (post) in your account.
- Account, Instagram’It may represent a business type or brand that violates s terms. In the account, InstagramThe nature of the business, even if there is no content that violates the terms and guidelines of fraud If it falls under the category or is in doubt, therefore Instagram It may be violating the terms and instructions.
If none of these apply to your account, your brand (business) may not be well known yet. In this case, keep working to increase brand awareness and recognition; thus InstagramThe next time you review your account, your brand will stand out and be easily searchable (and found).
Instagram’Note that it does not take into account paid or promotional (promotional) content; So if you really want your account verified, the best way is to get media attention.
Verified Account Confirmation Should you Apply to get it?
If you think your account meets the above criteria and want to increase your follow-up and brand awareness, to get verified account approval absolutely you must apply.
Even if you are not sure whether your account is suitable or not, it is worth a try; Even if your request is denied, nothing will change. In the best case scenario, you will enjoy more discoverability, access to exclusive features, and trust reputation that comes with account verification. mavi tik (check) You will be taken to the club.
The post How to Get Verified Account Confirmation on Instagram? first appeared on TeknoSupport.