Instagram Comment Update

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In this article we Instagram We will provide detailed information about the comment update issue.
Instagramdoes not allow you to edit a comment you have shared.
However, InstagramYou can delete the comment you shared on and post a new one instead.
Hem Instagram‘of Android ve iPhone both in the application Instagram On the website, you can delete a comment and post a new one.
If you want to express that you like a photo or video, or if you have a question about a post or want to respond to textual content posted by a friend, Instagram comments are a great way to interact with other users.
But what if you later discovered that there was a terrible typo in a comment you shared? Request, Instagram What you need to know about the comment update!
Can You Edit a Comment You Posted on Instagram?
Instagram The comment does not allow updating. However, you can delete the comments you have shared and share them by creating a new comment.
of users InstagramThe process of deleting a comment posted on . However, it is quite easy to do this on both mobile applications and computers.
Deleting a Comment and Posting a New Comment on the Instagram App
on mobile devices Instagram Follow the steps below for the comment update process.
- Firstly Android or iPhone on your device Instagram Open the app.
- Then find the comment you want to delete. iPhone hold your finger on the comment and swipe left on the comment. Android Tap and hold the comment.
- Depending on the phone you’re using, you’ll see a trash can icon with a red or blue background next to your comment. Tap the trash can icon.
- After tapping the trash icon, your comment will be deleted immediately. And then a red banner will appear at the top of the application screen notifying you that the deletion has taken place. If you want to undelete the comment you deleted, you can tap this red banner.
- To repost a new comment you’ve edited and updated, simply tap the text bubble below the post and type the new comment. After you write your comment Send (Post) button.
Deleting a Comment and Posting a New Comment on the Instagram Website
Windows throw away Mac on computers Instagram Follow the steps below for the comment update process!
- Windows throw away Mac open a web browser on your computer Go to.
- If you are not logged in, Instagram Sign in to your account. And then find the comment you want to delete.
- Move the mouse cursor over the comment you want to delete. And then below the comment ⋯ (three dots) iconClick what.
- In the window that appears Sil (Delete) Click the menu.
Not: Instagram the website does not show a banner after deletion where you can undo the deletion.
- To repost a new comment you’ve edited and updated, tap below the photo or video. Add a comment… (Add a comment…) Click on the field. Then, write the current version of your comment in this field. And then Publish (Post) Click the menu.
In this article we Instagram We have given detailed information about the comment update issue.
Instagram Comment Update
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