Recording Voicemails on iPhone

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In this article iPhoneWe will provide detailed information about recording voice messages in .
iPhonevoice messages on your Messages to save the app Sakla (Keep) Tap the button.
Messages In the app settings, you can change the option to automatically delete your voicemails after two minutes.
Mac on your computer Messages your voicemails using the app. MacYou can also save it to your .
iPhone to chat with someone else using iMessage One of the advantages of using SMS, dispositionsgo ahead and photographin addition to the voicemail you can also send.
Apple, considers these voicemails in the top secret communication category. Therefore, by default, these messages have a certain existence time. So, two minutes after listening to voicemails, they are permanently deleted with no option to undo.
If you want to keep these voicemails longer, there are several ways to do so. Request, voice messages What you need to know about!
Recording Voicemails on iPhone
iMessage with one voicemail When you receive it and start listening to the voicemail, a timer appears that starts counting down from two minutes. When the timer counts down, the voice message is cleared without warning.
However, you can record these voicemails if you want. After listening to the voicemail, Keep (Sakla) Tap the menu. When you record the voice message, you can Messages You can listen from the app.
Change the Retention Time of Voice Messages on iPhone
To record voice messages Sakla (Keep) instead of using the menu, Messages You can change the settings of the application. Thus, you can prevent voicemails from expiring and automatically deleting after two minutes.
- Firstly iPhonein your Settings open the app
- drop-down Settings in the application Messages Tap the menu.
- On the incoming screen Voice Messages (Audio Messages) in the section, End Time (Expire) Tap .
- On the incoming screen Never (Never) Tap .
Recording Voice Messages to Mac Computer
If you intend to keep the voicemails too long to store them on your phone, you can save them on your computer.
- iCloud your account settings, iMessagein SMS‘camp hem iPhone‘unuzda him de MacEdit it to appear in your .
- Mac on your computer Messages Open the app. Next, go to the conversation that contains the voicemail you want to save on your computer.
- Find the voicemail you want to record and right-click it.
- In the drop-down list Copy Click the menu.
- Then right click on the desktop.
- Then in the drop-down list Paste Item Click the menu.
In this article iPhoneWe gave detailed information about recording voice messages in .
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The text Recording Voice Messages on iPhone first appeared on TeknoDestek.