What is Data Center (DataCenter), What Does a Data Center Do?

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Data Center What is DataCenter In our article, we will provide very detailed information about DataCenters, known as data centers.
Data Center – What is DataCenter?
Data Center (The English: Datacenter) They are centers with cabinet computers to allow the collection, storage, processing and distribution of large amounts of data by centralizing an organization’s information technology operations and equipment.
Data Centersin special air conditioning, fire and special security systems are used.
Data centers are grouped under 2 categories:
- Private data centers: Used only by an organization in its services.
- Internet data centers : Provides services to third parties.
Data Center – What does DataCenter do?
Data center (DataCenter), an entire entity information technology operations forms the centre. A lot of data is stored, processed and distributed in this center.
The security of a data center and its sustainability are very important for the establishment to continue to operate uninterruptedly.
What is in the Data Center?
In a data center;
- Routers
- Keys
- Safety devices
- storage systems
- Servers
- Application distribution controllers
is found.
One or more data centers data center specialist is found.
data center specialistis the person responsible for hardware and software operations in the datacenter. The data center specialist is responsible for performing the necessary maintenance and controls of the servers he is responsible for.
Persons who have graduated from the relevant departments of universities, as well as those who have competence in electronics and software data center specialist they may be.
to data centers white space exists. White space in data centers It is an area where the most sensitive data hosting systems and equipment are located. White area is the most important point of data centers and this area can only be used by authorized persons.
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What should Datacenter standards be? (Tier Standards)
Datacenters provide service under serious standards. First of all, a datacenter must provide 24/7 service.
Datacenter standards Tier standards It is called (Tier Classification System). The infrastructure of a Datacenter is international Tier Classification System checked with. (https://uptimeinstitute.com/)
Tier Classifications is done as follows.
Tier I (Basic Capacity)
Tier I data centerBeyond an office environment, it offers a dedicated site (site) infrastructure to support information technology. Tier I infrastructure includes a dedicated area for IT systems, uninterrupted power supply, special cooling equipment that will not shut down at the end of normal office hours, and a motor generator to protect IT functions from extended power outages.
Tier II (Reserve Capacity Components)
Tier II facilities include redundant critical power and cooling components to provide outstanding management opportunities, and an increased margin of safety against IT operational disruptions caused by site infrastructure equipment failures. Redundant components include uninterruptible power supply (UPS) modules, chillers or pumps, and motor generators.
Tier III (Concurrent Maintenance)
Tier III data centerdoes not require any shutdown for equipment replacement and maintenance. Redundant distribution paths for power and cooling are added to Tier II’s redundant critical components so that every component needed to support the IT processing environment can be shut down and maintained without impacting IT operation.
Tier IV (Fault Tolerance)
Tier IV venue (site) infrastructure is based on Tier III and adds the concept of Fault Tolerance to the venue infrastructure topology. Fault tolerance means that IT operations are unaffected when there are individual equipment failures or distribution path interruptions.
Frequently asked questions about DataCenter
What does the Data Center DataCenter do?
The data center (DataCenter) forms the center of all information technology operations of an organization. A lot of data is stored, processed and distributed in this center.
Why is the data center important?
The security of a data center and its sustainability are very important for the establishment to continue to operate uninterruptedly.
What is a data center specialist, what does he do?
The data center specialist is the person responsible for the hardware and software operations in the datacenter. The data center specialist is responsible for performing the necessary maintenance and controls of the servers he is responsible for.
How to become a data center specialist?
Those who have graduated from the relevant departments of universities, as well as those who have proficiency in electronics and software can become data center specialists.
What is the white space in data centers?
There is a white space to data centers. The white space in data centers is an area where the most sensitive data hosting systems and equipment are located.
What are tier standards?
Datacenter standards are called Tier standards. The infrastructure of a Datacenter is controlled by the international Tier Classification System.