YaaniMail Password Change

‘YaaniMail How to change the password? YaaniMail What are the steps to change the password? YaaniMail How can I change my password? The answer to your questions like in our article.

‘Firstly YaaniMail what?’ I want to answer the question.

What is Yaani Mail?

YaaniMail, TurkeyOne of the most preferred operators of Turkcell It is a mail service developed by Turkish software engineers. It provides protection against spam and viruses with its high-tech infrastructure. Your data, TurkeyIt protects your data security by storing it in. Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari as well as browsers like Android and iOS You can use the application on their platform.

How to Change YaaniMail Password?

In order to change your password, your account must first be active. After accessing your account via browser or app Settings ⟶ Security ⟶ Password Update You can change the password by following the steps.

YaaniMail to change the password as shown in the screenshot below yaanimail.com We are logging in to the address.

Next user name and passwordWe provide access to the account with our miz.

From the profile tab in the upper right corner of the screen that opens Settings We click on the button.

In the next step, in the left menu list Security After clicking on the menu, we come to the password update step in the sub menu.

On this screen, we first write our current password. New password and new password (again) We enter the password we want to specify in the fields.

Not: While setting a password en az 8 character you must use. For security reasons en az 1-uppercase letter, en az 1-lowercase letter and rakam you must use.

Yaanimail password change

In this article, you can use the browser YaaniMail We explained the steps to change the password. YaaniMail Android and YaaniMail iOS We will share the transactions with you in the future.

The post YaaniMail Password Change first appeared on TeknoDestek.

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