Adding Effects to Your Photos Using Photoshop

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Give your photos a festive makeover in time for the holiday season.
1. Add Falling Profit
Upload a photo that best suits the snowfall.
Layer> New> Layer select it and name it “snowfall”. Click Edit> Fill. Click and in the dialog box Contents Change to black OK Click.
When your screen is now dark Click Filter> Noise> Add Noise. go. “Amount of Set it to 150%; To Gauss Distribution ; control Monochromatic selecting the box Tamama Press.
Go back on the strip, Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur. select. Radius change it to five. Feel free to experiment and choose your own radius, the smaller it is, the smaller your snowflakes will be.
Now Go to Image> Adjustments> Threshold. When you move the slider left and right, you can create anything from a light flurry to a furious blizzard. For this how-to, we set the value to 107.

Incoming In the layers panelHighlight the “snowfall” layer and transition Blending mode the Normal Screen to choose. Now you have an idea of how snowfall reflects on your image and gives you the chance to change the threshold level before continuing.
Filtre> Blur> Motion Blur Click. Pain and Distance “Our choice Pain Of -35 ° C Distance Between 20px. Use preview to guess what will look best for your photo.

When your “snowfall” image is highlighted, Layers in the panel Layer Mask Press the button. We’ll extract some of the available snowflakes for a better presentation.
To do this, from the toolbar Brush Tool to choose and foreground colors Black and for the background White Make sure it is set to.
Press the down arrow for the tool’s options menu. General Brushes under Soft Round select.

Change Size At about 300 species your subjects’ faces and gently begin to lift the snow, in key areas, click instead of scroll to 400px for a more natural look.
You can then repeat these steps by creating a new layer each time and changing the numerical values of the noise and threshold to add more falling snow.
Correct any image defects. We explore four common photo flaws and how to fix them.

2.Create a Snow Scene
It’s time to drop a light snowfall on any photo.
First, if your image is too bright, New Adjustment Layer Click the button and Hue / Saturation select. Saturation Drag the slider down, clear the color and give the image a more wintery feel.

Next, Layers on the panel Channel switch. Change the visibility of each channel so you can only Red, Green or Mavi’yi you can see.

Ctrl (On Windows) or Cmd Press and hold (on a Mac), then Green Click on the channel (or whatever channel you are using). This automatically selects the areas where it will “snow”.

To undo the change Channel- Layers and to add new New Layer you can use. Click Edit> Fill. click, then from the drop down menu Color choose. Find a realistic black color in the palette. Then, to deselect the automatic Ctrl / Cmd + D to keys Press.

You should see a powder of snow in your photo. If you are not very satisfied with the results, highlighting the snow layer and Opacity start by setting.
Finally, to add some more profit to your image New Layer create and Brush Tool select.

Adjust the size of the brush and Soft Round Be sure to use the option. Put the snow on the ground, roofs of houses, etc. Paint it. To create a more natural look Fine adjustment in opacity do.

To create the illusion of compressed snow, Kement Take your vehicle and select an area of the picture. Solid Color by choosing To the New Setting Layer Click. Ideally, this will be the same off-white you would use elsewhere in the image.

Layer Style Double-click this new layer to open its window. Bevel & Emboss next, Tissue go.
Items using the drop-down menu. Mold Select – we will use the third water texture, but you can choose the one that suits you.
Until your wife is satisfied with her appearance Scale and Depth Adjust the sliders.

Bevel & Emboss’a come back. Size and Soften Besides the Emphasis and Shadow You also want to try their opacities.
Finally, a Soft Round brush and Smudge Tool trim all the edges of the packed snow, add falling snowflakes if you want.

3.Add Christmas Lights
For the coming Christmas, it won’t be Christmas without hanging fairy lights around the house.

Open your image, create a new layer, then Brush Tool choose. A nice soft brush should do this and Hardness set to zero percent.
In this example, we’ll use yellow as the foreground color and red as the background color.
Brush Tool options click (looks like a folder with a brush inside). Brush Tip Shape Under, set the size of the “lights” we’re using “80px”.
Next, Go to December and set that (we chose 70 percent). There is no setting value to use; Experiment on the image and undo until you find the perfect look.

Scattering go to settings, Both Axes uncheck the box marked and Distribution Set it to 30 percent (again, different photos will need different values, so play around). But now you can see that the preview has an irregular look that looks more like Christmas lights.
Color Dynamics Click. The only setting to change here Foreground / Background Replacement. Set this to 100 percent and Check the Apply Per End option. Doing this will allow you to switch between your two colors automatically.

New One Layer Create. Now, start painting your lights. Okay, this isn’t actually lights – what we’re doing here is creating the glow from the light bulbs.
Expert tip : If you are brushing along straight edges such as a roof, set a starting point, then Shift Hold down the key and click the end point. Photoshop fills the line in between.

There are several ways to add bulbs to lights, but the easiest way is Brush Tool options go back A hard is to choose a brush.
As before Size , Hardness and December Play with. For a more natural look Scattering Be sure to set it as well.
Color replace and brush light bulbs on lamps. If the bulbs feel too hard, hardness fix or blur tool try cutting the edge using lightly.

By playing around with Photoshop, blending modes and brush tools, it makes it easy to fill your photos with the festive spirit all year round.
The post Adding Effects to Your Photos Using Photoshop first appeared on TeknoDestek.