How To Find Computer Serial Number?

Computer serial number It is used to download the original drivers of the devices and to find the spare part easily.

When you need to contact technical support to fix problems occurring in devices connected to the network at home or workplace, to order spare parts or to check warranty information. computer serial number you will need it.

Laptop or desktop computer serial number You can usually access the serial number by writing on the sticker attached to it or by checking the UEFI on your BIOS or motherboard. However, the sticker may have been removed or the BIOS may be difficult to look at the UEFI. In this case, using PowerShell and Command Prompt (CMD) learn computer serial numberYou could.

Computer Serial Number Learning (PowerShell)

PowerShell command Follow these steps to find the computer serial number with:

  • startOpen.
  • PowerShellSearch for, right click on the top result Run as administratorSelect.
  • Enter the following command to find the computer serial number. EnterPress: Get-WmiObject win32_bios | select Serialnumber
  • Confirm SerialNumber information.
  • (Optional) To find the serial number of the device Get-CIMInstance win32_bios | format-list SerialNumber Enter the command.
  • SerialNumber Confirm the information.
  • (Optional) To export serial number information as a text file Get-WmiObject win32_bios | select Serialnumber > PATHTOEXPORT Enter the command. (PATH TO EXPORT section with the path of the text file whose serial number information you want to transfer. For example; Such as C: ComputerSerialNumber.txt.)

Computer Serial Number Learning (CMD)

CMD (Command Prompt) commandTo learn the computer serial number using, follow the steps below:

  • startRight click.
  • Command Prompt (Command Prompt) Manager Choose.
  • Enter the following command to find the computer serial number. EnterPress: wmic bios get SerialNumber
  • Confirm the computer serial number.
  • (Optional) To export serial number information as a text file wmic bios get SerialNumber > PATHTOEXPORT Enter the command.

As you can see, you do not need computer serial number finding programs! Finding the computer serial number in Windows 10 is that simple!

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