iTunes could not connect to this iPhone 0xe80000a error solution

If you get the error “iTunes could not connect to this iPhone 0xe80000a or 0xe8000015” when connecting your iPhone to the computer with iTunes, you can follow our suggestions in our article to solve this problem.
iTunes could not connect to this iPhone 0xe80000a error solution
1 – Restart the computer and iOS device.
2 – Make sure the computer is running the latest Windows update.
3 – Make sure you have the latest version of iTunes installed on your computer.
4 – Disconnect all USB peripherals from your computer, except the keyboard and mouse. Then restart your computer, launch iTunes and plug your iOS device into a different USB port on the computer.
5 – An anti-malware software on the PC / iPhone can cause error 0xe80000a – 0xE8000065. Try updating the security software on your computer or temporarily disable it.
6 – Connect your iOS device to a different computer to check if the problem is specific to your computer.